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Kiamugumo AA Filter

Kirinyaga, in Central Kenya, is home to Mt. Kenya. It is forested with a wealth of exotic wildlife receiving 50 inches of rain per year. Many rivers run through the region and the soil is rich and volcanic, providing smallholders and cooperatives with the resources to grow and process some of Kenya's most fruit-forward coffees. 

The New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society operates the Kiamugumo Factory, which was founded in the 1970s. There are about 1,500 contributing members who deliver cherries to the factory, each growing coffee alongside other crops on about 1/8th a hectare each, average.

Microlots from Kenya are traceable to either the factory level or individual farm level (when possible), and are selected basis cup score. 

Most of Kenya's coffee is produced by smallholders delivering to factories (central processing units) who predominantly produce Washed coffees. 

The Washed process in Kenya contains a soaking step that is unique to this growing country. First the coffee is picked ripe and depulped the same day, then it is normally fermented in open-air tanks made of concrete or cement for 24–48 hours. It's then washed thoroughly using water channels before being soaked underwater for 12–72 hours. It is then spread on raised beds to dry.


Kiamugumo AA Filter

Kiamugumo AA Filter

Regular price €16,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,50 EUR
Sale Sold out
Kiamugumo AA Filter
Region Gariama, Manyatta, Kirinyaga
Farmer New Ngariama FCS
Elevation 1800 masl.
Variety Batian, Riuru 11, SL28, SL34
Process Washed
Flavour Notes Toffee, green grape, dark hocolate and cooked tropical fruits.
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Brew Guide

Grind Size

Grind size is important and varies from grinder to grinder. Below we suggest a rating from 1 to 10. 1 = extremely fine, too fine. 10 = very coarse, too coarse.

Pour-Over with Filter (V60/Chemex)

Coffee Grind 6-7

We use 15 grams of coffee with 250 grams of 95 degree water.

Wet the filter with hot water and discard the water.

Pour 40 grams of water onto the coffee to bloom and give the brewer a gentle swirl, wait 30 seconds

Add another 40 grams of water and give it another gentle swirl, wait 30

Slowly add 85 grams more water and give another gentle swirl

Finally slowly add the remainder water and give a final gentle swirl

The water should filter through and have a flat base of coffee with only
fines stuck to the upper filter wall.

Aeropress (non inverted)

Coffee Grind 5-6

We use 15 grams of coffee with 200 grams of 95 degree water.

Add the coffee to the AeroPress, then pour all the water to the AeroPress and give it a quick swirl with a spoon.

Put the AeroPress plunger into the top of the AeroPress about 1 cm and then pull back slightly to create a vacuum.

Let the coffee steep for 1:30.

Slowly plunge the AeroPress for 30 seconds ending at a total brew time of 2 minutes.

Moka Pot

Coffee Grind 3-4

Depending on the size of the Moka pot will dictate how much coffee to use.

Boil some water in a kettle and warm your element to medium low.

Fill the Moka water chamber to just below the steam spout with your
boiled water, make sure not to cover it.

Place the coffee in the basket and level it off, do not pack it down.

Place the basket in the Moka pot and screw the lid on.

Place the Moka pot on the element and open the lid of the Moka pot.

Let the coffee brew and it will rise to the upper chamber and make a
hissing sound when it is done.

Remove it from the element, close the lid and serve.

French Press

Coffee Grind 8-9

We use 75 grams per litre (depending on the size of your French Press).

Put the coffee on the French Press.

Pour the required amount of 95 degree water and let it steep for 4

Use a spoon to break the crust and let the coffee fall to the bottom of
the vessel.

Put the French press lid on and only plunge to the top of the water.

Let the coffee steep for another 5 minutes.

Push down the plunger ¾ of the way, never touching the coffee bed on
the bottom.

Pour your coffee.


Coffee Grind 2-3

Depending on your basket size will depend on the amount of coffee to use.

We use 18 grams of coffee to yield about 36 grams of coffee.

Your brew should take between 27-33 seconds to pour according to your taste preference. The longer amount of time the more extracted and possibly bitter it could be. The shorter amount of time could result in under-extracted, lighter body and possibly sour tasting coffee.